Bobby Crudele: A Charismatic Father Coaching Confident Kids

How do you create life lasting relationships with your children? Kevin P Donaldson talks to one of the premier coaches in New Jersey, Bobby Crudele, a charismatic Father coaching confident kids. Bobby’s coaching philosophies are looked at by others in this field as something to be sought after.

Passion pulls you from the ashes

A love of sports creates a deep bond between parents and children.  As children grow, the distance between the connections can fracture.  Most adolescent and young adults once saw their parents as a beacon trophy to strive and obtain.  Every generation tries to combat the chasm between young and old with little to no success regardless of changing values, or methodology.  In the midst of raging hormones and the insecurities of youth, the one constant in those lives can be athletics which can bond even the most chaotic of households.

Bobby Crudele witnessed this dynamic firsthand growing up with a father who had no time for the softer side of children.  At an early age his parents divorced and his mother remarried a man who had little time for sports and certainly did not see the potential to bond and create a relationship with his new step son.  Bobby was an outstanding athlete who was one of the hardest workers on the court or field.  His work ethic may be attributed to his ability to have that rare sports focused mind that can see beyond the game and develop methods to improve not only his position but his team’s position.  Bobby somehow could always see a view of the game, whatever game that may be, from an elevated position allowing a full vision of the unfolding strategy giving an edge to make the next successful move.

As Bobby moved on, sports as a career fell by the wayside of life as he became a Police officer in New Jersey.  Proud and loud is the personality that exudes from every pore in his body.  Don’t mistake Bobby’s boisterous behavior as being egotistical, he exhibits pure confidence.  The difference in behaviors is that confidence, such as Bobby’s, knows when he is out of his lane.  Confidence leaves room to learn and defer to those that have more experience and knowledge as confidence allows for the learning process to reach a new level.  Ego blocks education and stifles growth.  

Being a personality that shows this level of confidence brings both positive and negative. Having that outgoing personality draws you into being “the life of the party”. Bobby followed suit, which usually came from innocence. After the adult men’s league softball, it is very common to go hit the bar. Only Bobby didn’t hit the bar he lived at the bar. Drinking became as normal to him as playing sports once did. As Bobby’s career progressed, so did his drinking but his love of sports never left.   He found himself missing out on key family events and the development of his children into solid, athletic individuals who are ready to function in society.  Thankfully this was recognized early on in his children’s life.

After many years of alcohol abuse, Bobby wanted to make a change. After going to rehab, he immersed himself in the sports, only this time as they surrounded his children. “ I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but coaching my children and seeing them grow into healthy and happy adults, I know I did something, correct.”.

One of the premier coaches in New Jersey, Bobby’s coaching philosophies are looked at by others in this field as something to be sought after. Once again, do not mistake ego for confidence, Bobby will reach out to his trusted circle for advice from time to time to make himself a better coach.

His children are proof that Bobby knows what he’s doing, all are outstanding athletes, as well as good human beings. His efforts on the football field have not gone unnoticed. Recently, Bobby has been hired by a local newspaper to be a freelance sports writer covering North Jersey high school football. There is nobody better suited to follow the game. Who knows what is right and what is wrong with the game of Football.

“A coachable kid becomes an employable adult,” Bobby reflects. A young student of the game and molding them to reach their full potential is all that a youth sports coach should want to be”.  Look for Bobby Crudell, to not only make an impact in North Jersey high school sports by highlighting those who deserve the honor and respect, but he is destined to go to the next level, if he may choose. 

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Kevin P. Donaldson
Kevin P. Donaldson

An accomplished author, seasoned Motivational Speaker and Podcast Host, Kevin P. Donaldson is known for transforming the lives of audiences. His talks are attended by people of all ages and backgrounds. Kevin's approach toward finding success and healing is approached by embracing your pain and running toward it head-on.

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