Category Relationships

Tom Smith- Following His Father’s Footsteps

Building the Gold Shield Legacy : Following in his father's footsteps, Tom Smith, a retired officer inducted into the National Law Enforcement Hall of Fame, continues to shine a light on the noble profession through the Gold Shields Show, alongside his colleague Dan Murphy

15 Tips to Boost a Difficult Relationship

What are the best Tips to Boost a Difficult Relationship?

The toll of a difficult relationship extends beyond the immediate emotional turmoil. Research indicates that persistent relationship stress can contribute to a variety of health issues, including increased levels of stress hormones and a heightened risk of mental health concerns.…

Charlie Cifarelli -The Star at the Intersection of 14th & 2nd

In this interview with Charlie Cifarelli, Kevin P. Donaldson brings us the story of The Star at the Intersection of 14th & 2nd. As a child, Charlie survived abusive parents, experienced homelessness, felled prey to addiction and went through the revolving door of rehab and recovery.

Bobby Crudele: A Charismatic Father Coaching Confident Kids

How do you create life lasting relationships with your children? Kevin P Donaldson talks to one of the premier coaches in New Jersey, Bobby Crudele, a charismatic Father coaching confident kids. Bobby’s coaching philosophies are looked at by others in this field as something to be sought after.