Healthy Relationships: Why Couples Do More Housework Than Singles

Being in a committed and healthy relationship can have numerous benefits for wellbeing. Why couples do more housework than singles? Married or coupled individuals often live longer, have lower rates of depression and report higher life satisfaction.

Housework is a common and necessary part of life, but have you ever noticed that it often appears more prevalent in the lives of couples than in the lives of singles? This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors, from shared responsibilities to the emotional benefits of a healthy relationship. In this article, we’ll explore why couples tend to do more housework than singles, incorporating statistics and scientific evidence while highlighting the impact of healthy versus unhealthy relationships on overall wellbeing.

a coffee cup on a table

Sharing the housework

Couples often share their living spaces, and with that comes shared responsibilities. Statistics reveal that in dual-income households, both partners contribute to housework, creating a sense of balance and fairness. According to a study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2019, 85% of married men and 83% of married women participated in household activities, while these numbers were significantly lower for singles.

Mutual Support

Research suggests that doing housework together can strengthen the bond between couples. A study published in the journal “Social Psychological and Personality Science” found that couples who engaged in shared activities like cleaning reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction and perceived teamwork. When couples view housework as an opportunity for collaboration, it contributes positively to their relationship’s well-being.

man and woman on kitchen

Emotional Benefits

In healthy relationships, couples provide emotional support and encouragement to each other, making housework a more pleasant and less burdensome task. The American Psychological Association notes that individuals in happy relationships experience lower stress levels and improved mental health. This, in turn, makes tackling housework more manageable and less stressful.

Statistics on Wellbeing

Statistics from the National Institute on Aging show that being in a committed and healthy relationship can have numerous benefits for wellbeing. Married or coupled individuals often live longer, have lower rates of depression, and report higher life satisfaction compared to those who are single or in unhealthy relationships.

Unhealthy Relationships

On the flip side, unhealthy relationships can have a detrimental impact on well-being. Research by the American Psychological Association suggests that individuals in strained or abusive relationships experience higher levels of stress, depression, and physical health problems. In such cases, housework can become a source of conflict, further affecting the overall well-being of those involved.

The Bottom Line

The reason couples tend to do more housework than singles involves the division of labor, mutual support and the emotional benefits of healthy relationships. Statistics and scientific evidence clearly demonstrate the positive impact of healthy relationships on overall wellbeing. In these relationships, housework is not a chore but an opportunity for bonding and collaboration. Conversely, unhealthy relationships can lead to increased stress and decreased wellbeing. Therefore, fostering a loving, supportive life as a couple is not only beneficial for sharing the burden of housework but also for enhancing your quality of life.

Dr Marina Nani
Dr Marina Nani

Editor-in-Chief of Rich Woman Magazine, founder of Sovereign Magazine, author of many books, Dr Marina Nani is a social edification scientist coining a new industry, Social Edification. Passionately advocating to celebrate your human potential, she is well known for her trademark "Be Seen- Be Heard- Be You" running red carpet events and advanced courses like Blog Genius®, Book Genius®, Podcast Genius®, the cornerstones of her teaching. The constant practitioner of good news, she founded MAKE THE NEWS ( MTN) with the aim to diagnose and close the achievement gap globally. Founder of many publications, British brands with global reach, Marina believes that there is a genius ( Stardust) in each individual, regardless of past and present circumstances. "Not recognising your talent leaves society at loss. Sharing the good news makes a significant difference in your perception about yourself, your industry and your community."

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